When it's ok to embrace your secondary.

I know it seems like I'm hatin' on my secondary more often than embracing it. And while I do tend to do that about 75% of the time, I understand that running from her is running from myself. When the secondary calls, it's best to answer.

I love, absolutely love, being a Type 3 woman. I feel most comfortable in my skin this way. Never did I know that this way of living would feel so good.

Quite frequently I tell The Crazy (Miss Type 2) to just hush or to disappear, generally when it's regarding something that I want done instantly and she's getting in the way. The mental stretch becomes agonizing at times. With some tasks I will want to be determined, the go-getter and she will force me back and have me questioning my motives and whether I am fit for the job.

But I do honor her and should honor her more when she beckons me to take time off and to decompress. As I tell my friends, "I'm doing a 'defragment and delete'"; meaning: "It's time for me to take time off from the constant going and the constant socialization while I turn inward, let some things go and recharge".

Now, I don't know if this is a regular Type 3 thing: to get a little burned out with present life that you need a day off (perhaps four) before resuming. I figure it's my Type 2 who's wanting me to baby myself and give it the care it deserves.

I am a Bible study teacher. And I love it. Like, love, love it. I love my students and I love hearing myself talk teaching them. Being this teacher has made my life rich in blessings and I'm a better person for knowing these kick-butt teens. They inspire me which leads me to do all I can to empower them and uplift them and tell them that the world is theirs for the taking!

And while I love this job, it takes quite a bit of energy out of me come Friday. And this is the time where I will actually listen when my secondary steps in and says, "Miss T3, it's time to take a back seat."

Sometimes it only takes an afternoon to "defragment and delete" and sometimes it takes a few days. My secondary knows how long I'll need (not saying she doesn't press her luck to stay longer). She understands how easily I get burned out with situations and helps me decide where I need to "trim the fat" in certain areas of my life. Others may call this "picking your battles". One of the few times when my dominate and secondary energies become the perfect marriage is when I'm trimming the fat from my life. My secondary looks at the big picture, all the details and ponders on what's best in my life and once decision is made, my dominate will embrace that idea, and follow through with it.

And it's those times that motivate me to continue to find the perfect balance of energies.

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