30 years old and Type 3

I turned 30 this year. I was certain the end of the world would come before I would ever reach this age. 

(But in my mind I'm still 18.)

(And am told I look like I'm 21? Lies!)

A lot of my friends are in their 20s and yes, I am way more mature than them.

I'm not an embarrassment at all to my kids. Or to Mr Hunter. I don't dance on the front lawn. By myself. Because Mr Hunter fixed the car speakers. And the air conditioning. Or just because I want to dance.

I sing too...make my own "theme music".

And I certainly don't give sloppy kisses and sappy "I love you"'s to my children in public.

Just in front of their friends when I drop them off.

Or call Mr Hunter "Sexy Man" on facebook, for the world to see. And for all our friends to then call him that while assembling for church.


See, I'm totally grown up.

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