How To Have The Perfect 10 Piece Wardrobe!

The other day I was looking at my closet, at the mass of clothes hanging there when I realized that I wear less than half of them regularly. Sure, there's a couple fancy shirts and dresses for that occasional fancy evening that comes once or twice a year but other than that, I have far too many clothes that stay unworn, unloved, and could be given to someone else who actually NEEDS them.

Here's how you can make the best out of ten pieces of clothing. I counted 35 outfits that I could make, could you count more?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this blog. The clothes that you show are very essential for me. I really like the way you show all the different outfit ideas, it really makes me want to start and experiment with all of my clothes and see what else might work for me. Thank you for sharing this.
