My Secrets

We have our little secrets, right?
Well here I share a few of mine.

Read below where I talk about one of my most embarrassing moments, a memory I couldn't remember for the video, and now I know why!
There's reasons why I suppress old memories!
But I promised I'd write it down for ya'll and so, here ya go.

As you can tell, I could not remember a most embarrassing memory. 
And I remember WHY I don't allow myself to remember past embarrassing memories after unearthing this one from the deepest realms of my mind. LOL

One day my two friends and I were over at another friend's house, jumping on her trampoline. We were playing "Crack The Egg"; where you sit criss-crossed, holding your feet with your hands. The object of the game is that if you're the "egg", you try to remain "unbroken" while your friends jump around you, trying to free your hands and feet. Once they've done that, you've lost. The quicker they can "crack" you, the more of a wimp you are.
My friend and I were both the "egg" while my other two friends jumped around us. I ended up with one free hand, my other friend still intact and we were both on our side, immovable. My friends were laughing about how my other "egg" friend's head was right up against my tush and so with my free hand, I tried to push her away and give us both some space. When I realized that no matter how great of effort my poor friend, who, God bless her had the determination to not break free from being an "egg" so she could win, decided having her face against my backside worth it, I lost it and laughed so hard I peed my pants (of course AFTER I had separated myself from her and jumped off the trampoline).
I was dubbed the name PeeBody for several years afterwards. 

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