Quality Time

When one sibling is at piano practice and the other is out with Daddy, what's a kid to do to do to pass the time?

Make a silly youtube video with Mommy, of course!

Here's a kid who thoroughly enjoys having me in his presence. He hasn't followed the "Mom, don't kiss me/hug me/dance in front of my friends" fad that's going around.

Do they not understand that I am fed by embarrassment? Do they not understand that I've been spending well over a decade trying to embarrass Mr Hunter, much to my own foolish appearance? The best is yet to come, my darlings! ;)

Watch! You won't be sorry!

UPDATE: Now Girl Bunny and Boy Lyon want their time in the spotlight! Who-da thought being in a video with a little editing and some funky background music could be so fun? Apparently they didn't think so. Remember, I'm the embarrassment? Well, apparently, not any more. That is, until I get them on camera...hee hee. Hugs? Kisses? Some dancing and singing?

Oh, you bet!

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