SAY WHAT is on my phone?

Every now and then, say, every few months, I will scroll through my phone's gallery, usually with a child peering over my shoulders, looking at all the pictures I've taken, the videos where I captured a moment I didn't want to forget, and hilarious or inspirational quotes I've downloaded from all over the web...half the time moving my phone's from said child's eyes and clicking the back button as my form of humor may not compute, or be as innocent, as his/hers, while telling him/her that it's time to go do something productive before their brain could catch up long enough to ask what in the world it was that I was hiding from them.

I thought it would be fun to share these moments with you, to let you in on that little black, handheld device that I carry around in my back pocket, against my backside, or in the compartment in my purse next to where I hold my mace.

Here lies all my secrets. LOL, or LACK THEREOF.

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