VLOG! Sick, Anxiety, The Legging Police, and Looking Younger

While not everyone who watches my videos reads my blog, I have figured that not everyone that reads my blog watches my videos!

So I'm saving you the hassle of reading my ramblings when you now can listen to them! You're welcome!

Mr Hunter now has what I had. It's interesting how he seems to have the same sickness, but other parts of the illness are more intense than others. While I have a mild cough, which is now rearing it's head after being sick for a week, he has started this sickness with a violent one. He got little sleep last night, ran a fever, and is feeling those aches and pains.

I am certain that I was coming off as a big faker this last week, complaining of tiredness, staying in bed most of the day, ditching out on our routine of watching Netflix every night, ignoring chores around the house even though once I was up I appeared, for the most part, just fine....only to come crashing down after a couple hours and crawling back into bed, in hopes of catching a few minutes sleep. I even left groceries in their plastic bags since Wednesday. If it didn't need to go in the fridge or freezer, I left them in their bags and this morning finally put them away.

Coming from an outside perspective I looked far more "lazy" than I did "sick".

The million dollar question is: Did you tell him, "I told you so"?

Yes, I did, in a non-verbal meany way by making him cancel his appointments, stay in bed, layer him in warm blankets, turned that blasted phone OFF, against his will, as that thing alarms him several times an hour and he jumps to answer it, give him medicine around the clock, get him whatever he needs and let me treat him like a baby. ;)

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