When you hear, but you don't follow (even with the silliest things).

Yesterday I went to the store to grab some groceries.

Right out of the blue I get this thought to buy this:

I have a history with this dessert. We go way back. And even though I am the world's biggest Reese's fan, so much so that I am confident the only reason this company remains in business because of me, you're welcome, I don't have the happiest of memories with this dessert.

I'm going to take a wild guess that this product came out around 2005 because that's when this girl was introduced to it and once it was brought to my attention that I could pretty much have an 8x8inch sized peanut butter cup, I shelled out money right and left that was budgeted for the gas bill to get me some...the struggle was so real.

Alas, the fault is not Reese's. Nor Betty Crocker.

The fault is mine because, well, momma over here couldn't get enough of this dessert and ate it on the regular right around the time that I got pregnant with my second child, and therefore this go-to addiction came along with me as I entered into my season of nausea.

Then one day, nearly going bankrupt buying my 187th box of this delicious treat in a little over three months, I finished the prolonged task of making it and then took a bite.

And it tasted....gross.

It tasted like how I had been feeling every morning I woke up after eating nearly a whole pan of this dessert. It tasted like how I felt the moment before I ran to the toilet, in hopes I bend over it in time. This was when Mr Hunter's lack of skill in putting down the toilet seat was a godsend.

It tasted like misery. It tasted like my head leaning against the wall that the toilet sat next to as I slowly counted to ten to calm my squeezing stomach. It tasted like the tissue I would use to blow my nose to rid it of the acidic burn. It tasted like the spiked water that I sipped on after everything was said and done.

And so I didn't buy it again. For years.

Every time I look at this delicious dessert, I can taste the misery and the nausea and the dull ache in my head and stomach.

I keep a box around, sitting by the bed, as nothing could possibly make a better birth control reminder than that.
Ok, I'm totally kidding.
But it is a good idea now that I'm thinking about it. ;)

Well, back to yesterday, I was at the store when I get this feeling to buy it. I knew I wouldn't be eating it but I remember thinking, "This would be a fun activity for Girl Bunny and Boy Lyon to do, as it is no bake and they have been wanting to help me more with cooking and baking."

I walk up to get it and while the flooding memories and feelings come back, I grab the box when I think, "But this isn't the most healthy treat...and we are trying to be more health conscious as a family...I wouldn't be setting a good example...." and so I put it back.

I get home from the store when Girl Bunny asks if she could invite her friend over to spend the night. And not only could this girl spend the night, but it was also the night before her birthday.
This girl is probably the easiest person to please. She just blends in with the family, becomes one of our own, I never have to worry about her, it's like she's my own child when she's here.

But every time she comes over, I get her and Girl Bunny a treat or, an activity to do.....

........annnnnnnnnnnnd that is exactly what this Reese's No Bake dessert is.

And here is when I started kicking myself.

Sometimes we get thoughts, or feelings, to do/say things, and while mine was extremely trivial and even silly, as you might consider it, we mustn't let reason tell it "no".
Sometimes a thought is planted in our minds, "Hey, why don't you buy that so Girl Bunny and Boy Lyon could do this..." when the real reason for the purchase of the item was so that I could have a treat and activity for the friend coming over.

I have found that when I feel prompted to do something, the reason I do it is completely different from the outcome.

Needless to say, Mr Hunter made a special trip to the store that evening.

And I made a special reminder to myself to quit second guessing and letting reason snuff the silly promptings I get.