Girl Bunny, doing a product review!

My daughter has been eye-balling these Diamond Candles for a few months now. They're supposed to be the greatest candles ever, she says, because inside each candle is a diamond ring! And what are diamonds, folks??? 

So she saved her money, handed it over to me and I ordered one online. She HAD to get the Watermelon Wedge scent, from what other youtubers have stated, it is the best scent, and she HAD to get a gold ring with a PINK diamond, something she knew she couldn't control, but was hoping nonetheless! 

Finally it arrived, I called her while she was at the neighbor's house, and she ran home to tear open the box. Instantly the amazingly sweet, savory smell filled our nostrils before she even unwrapped it. 

But what touched my heart was when she said, "Hey Mom, do you think you could help me do a ring reveal for youtube?" 

"Sure sweetie," I told her, assuming she wanted that to be the start of her youtube channel, as she's been talking about starting one for a while now.

"...and can you post it on your channel? I want your viewers to see."

How could I resist? While Diamond Candles, even product reviews in general, have not been done on my channel, I was happy that my first experience doing so was with my beautiful daughter.

Watch and see what kind of ring she gets and what her thoughts are on this candle!

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