Color Confusion!

While I understand that wearing white, grey, or black isn't right for me (and will wear it anyway), I don't have the eye to know exactly which shade works for me. There's a few of those iffy shirts, mostly in PINK that will have me confuzzled to the brink of pulling my hair out.

One day I had my friend over, who loves the 12 Seasons, brought along her color cards to show them off to me. I grab out two of my "iffy" shirts, which happen to be dress shirts, and said, "Are any of these close to my colors?" My friend understand when I say that that I'm also asking, "Is this Type 3?"

She takes one look at them and says, "No," before saying the exact season/Type this does fit in.

And then it made sense that that would be why, when I did wear those shirts, that I would have to beat myself up to find the right skirt and accessories to match.

I usually know when a color works for me because I can get it to match with any other color that I also know works best for me. But sometimes I get hung up on the iffy's and will drive myself crazy to make it work, or will give up and take it out of my outfit.

Today I'm wearing a sweater that at the beginning of Spring, I was wearing it all the time. I loved how it looked on me then...but now? Ehhhhh.

By the way, the coloring is so off in this video. My sweater is actually a rich salmon color. GO FIGURE!!
(That would explain too why most of the shirts I do my videos in that aren't white, grey, or black look like the wrong color!)

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